graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Sunday 8 June 2014

PSA Process | Assignment 1

So these are the process of making the PSA!

So, I had two options of the look and feel:
On this option, I want to show the company about the mom's sacrifice. Most of their time is sacrificed for the company, not for the baby. They don't have time for giving their breast milk. So the company must provide the conducive nursery room in the workspace for appreciating the breast feeding mom's sacrifice.

This is more to make the company know the important of breast milk and breast milk is a must.

Options of layout:

SO! I decided to take this type of PSA and gave some changes:

Still not fit to the aim of the PSA: giving a conducive nursery room at workspace

This is the first slogan.
FEEDBACKS: the slogan is too long and not straight forward
I was showing the facts. And I think this would make people think about the fact. 
The slogan.


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