graphic design - music - photography

The posts are based on researches, the lecturer's materials, and my opinions.
Sorry if I made any kind of mistakes.


Sunday 8 June 2014

Ngaso — Bakery and Cafe | Group Project with Marsha and Berta | As. 2

So! The next assignment is making an identity. Sir Em gave us options of hypothetical products or services:

  1. A local travel agent that specialise in local tour and travel. They are great at using internet medium to market their services, such as facebook and twitter.
  2. A local art gallery that have splendid architecture and surrounding environment, spesialise in displaying the best of local artist works.
  3. A bakery that also run a small café. They are specialise in making delicious sweet bun and served best local coffee. Their café is a popular hangout place for people from diverse background.
  4. A pencil maker. Their pencil are really good quality and are the favourite of illustrator and designer around the world.
The girl team chose the number three! We were starting to make the creative brief:

Based on resource at the internet, the word ngaso means:

  • Take a rest
  • Take a rest for a while after done the activity.

The competitors are:
Logo development:


Try to do some placement of image

Why the logo looks like that?

  • The shape is like a cup of coffee from above because we delivers a a high quality coffee from our country, Indonesia. 
  • Ngaso is a spot to hang out and have some snacks so we made circle
  • And everytime you have ngaso time, you always have a group of people (your friends) so circle is also represent community.

We chose orange as the colour is because orange is one of the earth colour. And we want to make the coffee pure from Indonesia. So it's like 100% from Indonesia. Orange is also a secondary colour which is it's fit to our aim. We want to have a restaurant that has a modern and comfy atmosphere but without forgetting the traditional side of it (by selling a traditional cake). So orange represent a mixture from two things, modern and traditional.

We tried to print it..
The packaging is suppose to look like a packaging. It should have a warning about recycle and friends. It looks better if the background is either orange or black.
When it turns black and orange, it looks more exclusive.

Spoon and fork packaging. This one is Okay!


The poster is okay but try to change the tagline into 3 rows because it is too long. 

It seems like we don't need chopstick because we already have spoon and fork,

Same feedback with the first one (the packaging one)

The business card is okay but change the background colour of the image into black! And for the tagline, make it shorter by using three rows. Or maybe doesn't need to have the tagline.

We prepared this for the final:


We think that this atmosphere seems playful because using chalk and it fits with our target audience: Teenager and Young Adult.







We were adding the nutrition facts and some information about recycle and stuffs.





  • Be more playful by exploring the layout because the target market is teenager.
  • Decreased the type size.
  • Fill the content, not just Lorem Ipsum.
  • Show the price
  • Make the bird illustration bigger (Ms. Uma)
Takeaway Packaging:
  • Make the nutrition fact more general.
  • Modify the inside's colour. Not just white colour.
Packaging for Spoon and Fork:
  • Explore more about the shape.
Business card:
  • The target is teenager so make it more playful. Maybe by placing the circle randomly or on the 4 edges of the business card.
  • Make it more inspiring
  • You can utilise the back side of it for example by giving some extra information. 
  • The text size on the bottom side is too big. See the creative brief.
Table mat:
  • GOOD!
Coffee glass packaging
  • Add extra information about the heat, recycle, etc. (see Starbucks!)

Thank You! ;-)